Cancer SurvivorLink
Your Link to Care After Cancer
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Survivors of childhood cancer can develop health problems after cancer treatment called late effects. The Children's Oncology Group wrote these handouts to help survivors and parents understand health problems after childhood cancer treatment. Not all survivors get all of the late effects listed. Survivors are at risk for different late effects depending on the treatment they had for their cancer. To find out about late effects you are at risk for, visit a childhood cancer survivor clinic.

Visit www.survivorshipguidelines.org to find many of the Health Links translated into other languages.

SurvivorLinkā„¢ has been designed to increase awareness and knowledge about the life-long healthcare needs of pediatric cancer survivors, and increase communication about the specific healthcare needs of individual survivors between survivor and family, cancer survivor team, primary care provider, and healthcare subspecialists.
© 2009-2025 Emory University