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All childhood, adolescent and young adult cancer survivors should continue to follow recommendations to prevent the spread of COVID-19, like mask wearing, social distancing, frequent hand washing, etc, as advised by national and/or local authorities....
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The Children’s Oncology Group has developed a Health Link about COVID-19 for pediatric cancer survivors. Survivors with certain chronic conditions such as lung disease and heart disease or who received treatment that could damage their heart or lungs...
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Childhood cancer survivors are often cared for by a team of providers. Cancer SurvivorLink is an electronic personal health record controlled by survivors and their families that can help you manage your healthcare across these providers. OnSurvivorL...
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Watch the SurvivorLink Introduction video to learn more about using SurvivorLink to improve your healthcare.SurvivorLink Introduction Video...
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SurvivorLink's software engineer, Mike Palgon, was selected
as a UI SuperHero from DevExpress for his work on the Cancer SurvivorLink
website.. Mike used software from Dev Express to developthe upgrade of our SurvivorLink website. Check out the a...
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Published in the CURE Childhood Cancer 2016 Newsletter, this article details a survivor visit and gives tips for making the most of your time in clinic.Getting the Most Out of a Survivor Clinic Visit Brooke Cherven, RN MPH CPON, Betsy Record, NP and ...
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At age 19, Trisha Henry Gaffney was diagnosed with embryonal
rhabdomyosarcoma. After undergoing chemotherapy
and radiation, she wanted to put her cancer experience behind her. While she went annually for check-ups with her primary care
doctor, it was...
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Ansley Riedel was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia
(AML) when she was 10 months old. She
underwent chemotherapy, radiation and two bone morrow transplants to achieve
remission when she was 3-and-a-half years old.
Her first friends were some of t...